The Prophecy - 1995
The angel Gabriel comes to Earth to collect a soul that'll end the stalemated war and just a small girl and only a former priest can prevent him.
Ernest Morua
i really hope there is a heaven , I'm mean there's got to b something I sit and think how a perfect we r from the Sun how we have trees
to provide oxygen it all can't b a coincident
i wish they had part 2, they got 1&3 but no 2, still can't get mad it's one of the few and I mean few movies they don't have on this app, so far just about all I wanted to see has been here excellent app
Rich Duenas
"I'm an Angel 😇 I kill first borns while their Mama's watch" dang it that's a cold line right there
Michael Mcpherson
this would be a great movie pick,if only there is no interuptions
won't play
Archie Turner
Amen 🙏
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