The Food of the Gods - 1976
Once they're attacked by a swarm of giant wasps, his friends and morgan are on the hunting trip on a remote Canadian island. Morgan stumbles along with a barn occupied by an enormous killer chicken. After doing some exploring, they detect that the island is crawling. The most dangerous of all of these, nevertheless, would be the fighters, who are currently mobilizing to do battle with the human intruders.

Vernon Winston

Hello MAYOR McCHEESE- Lookee thar'! Da' HAMBURGERULAR is on da' FBI's wanted list. Yo' Burger Meister, where's dat' scratch you owe me duude? It's TUESDAY FOOL ! ()

Ray Billingslea

The FX is silly now in 2024 but in the 70's it was truly truly amazing back then to see somthing that rarely seen in movies.l remember seeing it in 79. It really scared me l was 7

Vinnie Cruz

please play food of the gods 2

Jerry Barkley

a real classic!


a true classic

Davie Henry

Classic film
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