Anastasia - 1997
This animated adventure retells the story of the girl of the last czar of Russia. The wicked Rasputin places a curse on the Romanov family, Empress Maria, also her grand mother and Anastasia, have separated. Anastasia encounters two Russian men seeking a reward offered by Empress Maria for your recurrence of her grand daughter, after growing up in an orphanage. The trio travels to Paris, where they see that the empress has become skeptical.
Brenda Hammer
I haven't seen this movie since I was really really young and I'm and I'm going to turn 10 and I haven't seen this movie and like two years ago and with the five years ago so that's like 7 years ago but I love this movie it's fun it's appropriate for a little kids but this[[
FaithfulCloud 69
never. actually watched this one wow this is a first,
Anabelle Jules
I always love watching cartoon this movie is one of my favorite I love it
Julisa Rangel
ra ra Rasputin lover of the Russian queen
Jahnya Lovett
Brenda Hammer
Sarah Duke
i saw on disney plus i still love it
Eric Canamore
I haven't seen since I was 3 I'm 12
Satanic Bitch
i love this movie
Janessa Jordan
I love this movie
Marvin Welch
abigail Purvis
Carlos Velez
home malon
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